
Rest In Peace George
As many may now, George passed away in August of 2021 ( It is difficult to believe that it has been nearly two years, and he is still greatly missed. That day we not only lost a great engineer, but a great person that gave me an opportunity no one […]

We are still in operation!
Many may have heard over the news that Fantasy Studios closed last month, but to clarify, our location is still open and in operation. Thanks for your messages and concerns!

FAR-WEST 2015 Music Conference
George will be part of the panel All Star Guest Panel: An Engineer, a Producer and You  in the Far West 2015 Conference at Oakland on Oct 17th from 10:00am. He will be sharing the panel with Fred Catero, John Jacob and Leslie Ann Jones from Skywalker Sound, and moderated by Joel Tepp. If you plan on […]